Ants in orchids: a detailed guide

Ants in orchids: top 5 methods & super helpful guide

Ants can quickly assemble a very large army. They proliferate quickly. As plant owners, it is our responsibility to provide our cherished plants with the attention and care they need. People adore orchids because they are magnificent, calming, aromatic, and exquisite. It’s a pity to see how ants encroach on your beautiful orchids. If your … Read more

Mold on orchids: overview

Mold on orchids: top 4 types & super preventing tips

Mold on orchids? Any space can be made more cheerful by the lovely, delicate flowers known as orchids. They demand a lot from you, though, and you need to take extra care of them. One issue with orchids is mold, which can lead to the rot of the plant’s roots and its eventual death. Strive … Read more

Reasons orchid leaves yellow edges

If you’ve noticed that your orchid leaves yellow edges are turning yellow, don’t panic! It’s possible that there is a simple solution to the problem. In this blog post, we will discuss the 11 most common reasons for orchid leaves turning yellow. We will also provide solutions to each of these problems so that you … Read more

Why are my leathery orchid leaves?

leathery orchid leaves

Discover the secret to keeping your orchids thriving with vibrant flowers and lush green leathery orchid leaves. Don’t let mottled, discolored or wrinkled orchid leaves or leaves bring down your prized plants. Learn what causes these pesky problems and find out how to fix wrinkled orchid roots and leaves like a pro. Your orchids will … Read more

Orchid crown rot. Where does crown rot come from and how to treat it

Orchid crown rot is a devastating condition that affects many orchid enthusiasts. It is caused by fungal infections, and can be identified by the blackened areas of the plant’s crown. Orchids suffering from this condition will often have a wilted appearance and may eventually die if not treated quickly. The most effective way to prevent … Read more